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Software releases

Software update 2.7: Small steps that can lead to big changes

Sometimes it’s the little things that can add up to make a big difference. In our latest update, we’ve packed in loads of small tweaks that we hope will help improve your workflow.

5 min read

When you open a notebook, you’ll notice we’ve moved the ‘Page overview’ button up to the sidebar menu, making it even easier to navigate your documents and notes, or skip between different pages.

We’ve also added 15 new languages to the keyboard, introduced a long-press for typing special characters, plus support for opening and viewing password-protected PDFs, and improved the highlighter too.

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The powerful ‘Page overview’ button has a new home in the sidebar menu
The powerful ‘Page overview’ button has a new home in the sidebar menu

Improved navigation

In this update, we’ve made it easier to navigate your documents and folders by moving the ‘Page overview’ button to a more accessible spot within easy reach, and by adding a new swipe gesture to go back.

This means it’s now simpler to work on several notebook pages at the same time, get organized by adding or deleting pages as needed, and to convert or share multiple pages of your handwritten notes at once.

When browsing in your folders and sub-folders, a swipe right on the display now takes you back a step, either to the parent folder you were looking through or home to My Files, depending on where you are.

A smarter highlighter

The advantage of using digital writing tools like ours is that they can do tricks you simply can’t manage with ordinary pen and paper.

As a case in point, we’ve given our highlighter tool an upgrade. It now has the ability to snap to perfectly fit whatever text you’re working on, making your notes look neater and easier to read and review later.

This feature will be great for students or those using their reMarkable for research. To make life easier for you, we’ve also added improved metadata to help keep track of all the documents you’re working on.

Switching to ‘List view’ from the main menu now displays the title, author, publication date, publisher, and number of pages for all your different PDFs and ebooks, and tells you when you last opened them.

17 keyboard languages with a long-press for typing special characters
17 keyboard languages with a long-press for typing special characters

Now you’re talking my language

Some experts estimate that half the world’s population is bilingual, with the ability to speak two languages. With that in mind we decided to make it much easier to communicate in more than one at a time.

Sending emails on your reMarkable, or making a few edits to your converted handwritten notes in different languages is now a breeze, with keyboard layouts offered in 17 different languages.

These include French, German, Italian, and Spanish. We’ve also added a long-press for typing accented characters, and a languages shortcut to the keyboard. So rather than going into ‘Settings’ each time, just tap once on the globe icon to swap from Swedish to Greek.

Support for password protection means you can open and annotate encrypted files
Support for password protection means you can open and annotate encrypted files

Halt! What’s the password?

Whether you’re using your reMarkable as your personal diary or a productivity powerhouse, it’s nice to know you can keep certain documents safe from prying eyes without needing a padlock.

You can now open, view, and annotate any password-protected PDFs on both your paper tablet and using our mobile and desktop apps. The encrypted document will lock again each time you close it, and you can choose to keep the password in place when sharing it using email.

Learn how to update your reMarkable

Thank you for reading and following our software updates. To learn more about our latest update and how to use the new features on your device, you can read the full release notes.


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