6 ways to beat procrastination with reMarkable

Staying on task doesn’t have to be difficult. A few simple steps in your daily routine can help you find the focus you need to stay on track throughout your workday. And you’ll feel more satisfied when you check the final task off your to-do list.

Man in a chair holding a reMarkable tablet


Make a clear plan of action

You’re less likely to get derailed if you start the workday with your objectives clear in mind. You can use planners on reMarkable to draw up your key goals for the coming week or month and then break these down into smaller, actionable tasks on your daily to-do list. Then cross them all off one by one as you breeze through the day.


Remove distractions

When tasks get hard, we’re more likely to reach for something fun. This makes online distractions — such as social media — a procrastinator’s best friend. reMarkable was designed to eliminate all of that noise that prevents you from getting stuff done, but still provide you with the digital tools needed to produce work you’re proud of.

Man holding pen
5/5 star rating

"I was trying to use my phone/tablet for productivity but was constantly being bombarded by distractions and was finding myself falling into my lifelong procrastination traps. The reMarkable 2 has almost done away with a lot of this."

- Katherine K. Verified Buyer


Write by hand to get in the zone

Handwriting helps you focus. To find your flow, try starting off by doodling, sketching, or simply writing down the first things that come to mind. Freewriting — where you give your mind permission to wander, and allow yourself to explore possibilities without overthinking or editing yourself — can do wonders for your concentration.


Keep track of temptations

Consider creating your own designated procrastination list, with everything you suddenly think of doing that moment, but which are not top priority. Instead of giving into the temptation, consider whether the task can actually wait for later — or even be skipped altogether.


Remove the fear of failure

Facing a blank page, the fear of falling short of perfection can block us from making progress. Paper is great for drafting ideas, and when powered by digital tools — that let you undo, scale, and move your work around — it becomes far easier to silence your self-doubt and just get started. Once you’ve got something on the page, you’ll likely discover that the next steps feel lighter.


Switch up your location

Feeling stuck? Sometimes, a change of scene is all you need to spark fresh ideas or to see challenges in a new light. Consider swapping the office for a park or a sunny coffee shop. reMarkable is a lightweight and portable workspace, small enough to fit in your bag, and powered for weeks on a single battery charge. That means you’re never tied down to any single spot.

Stay on task and on track with reMarkable

Find out what you can accomplish with the only tablet designed to help you focus.