3 productivity techniques that actually work

If you type “productivity techniques” into your search engine, you’ll get over 200 million results. Don’t worry — we’ve picked three proven techniques that you can easily add to your workflow today with the support of reMarkable. Boosting your productivity for the long haul.

Man sitting at table with a reMarkable paper tablet

1. Schedule out every part of your day

Time blocking is when you break your day into blocks of time, and allocate specific tasks to each of them. Set the timer when each block starts, and when the time’s up, move on to the next task. This technique’s ideal for people who have to manage a lot of different tasks in a specific timeframe, and need real focus to achieve this.

Plan with focus

reMarkable helps train your mind to work without distractions. With zero notifications, you can think more clearly, and create space to focus on the work that matters most.

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- Ece R.

2. Get ideas out of your head by writing them down

If you have ideas buzzing around in your head all day, the Getting Things Done (GTD) technique is ideal for you. Writing them down as soon as possible, will help organize your thoughts — enabling you to hone in on what needs attention first. This happens in five steps — capture, clarify, organize, review, and engage. And reMarkable is the perfect partner. The device is light enough to take it with you anywhere and capture all your ideas on the go.

Organize your thoughts

With reMarkable, you can structure and organize your notes, files, and documents, and get a clear overview of what work needs to be done — giving you the time to think bigger.

Folder structure on a reMarkable

3. Don't put off what can be done today

“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” - Mark Twain. This quote sums up the Eat the Frog technique — perfect for chronic procrastinators. Start by identifying the most important or difficult task on your agenda, and tackle that before you move on.

One last thing...

Don’t forget you can use one of the many note-taking templates that reMarkable offer, like our classic to-do-list — which makes 'eating the frog' so much easier.

More of a planner? Try our daily or weekly planner — and map out what needs to be done, and when.

And with a quick download of our mobile and desktop apps, you can view, edit, and structure all those lists and planners, from any of your devices.

Templates on reMarkable

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